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Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation

The perineum in obstetrics and gynecology is the muscle that surrounds and supports female external genital area between the anus and the vulva. During delivery it is widely tightened to allow the baby's body through which may sometimes overstretch it. Given risk factors linked to delivery, women do not equally respond to physical recovery : the muscle may require some time to go back to its normal function. In case of poor muscular tone, stress urinary incontinence may arise (i.e while practicing sports, sneezing, coughing, during sex...).

In France most people go for CMP Method (Connaissance et Maîtrise du Périnée) to get to know more about the pelvic floor functioning.


The method consists in carrying out twelve exercices on vulval and vaginal areas with the therapist's fingers checking those produce the expected effect at the right place of the perineum. They will enable thus to stimulate different muscles : first through power exercises and secondly through more sensory ones.


French CMP leads as a consequence to a tight collaboration between the therapist and the patient : that is to say that after learning, the patient will be able to reproduce the exercises by herself and adopt them for ever if regularly practiced. From then on, this will result in treating and healing a perineal overstretching, muscle disorders, pains, urinary incontinence,  aerophagia or stool problems and preventing any pelvic organ descent. 

Is perineal rehabilitation necessary and if so do I have to start the rehab program just after delivery ?

Patient can start with the rehab program 6 weeks after delivery. Why not before that date ? Simply because before this deadline a very significant hormonal impact could mislead the therapist in his work. Perineal rehabilitation classes are particularly recommended for every woman after delivery but aren't that urgent : between 5 and 10 perineal classes and 2 abdominal ones are highly recommended.


The episiotomy is unhealed, can I still start with perineal rehabilitation ?

It's even strongly advised ! The therapist will then through massages favor the episiotomy healing process allowing the patient to continue by herself at home.


Perineal rehabilitation : how often and how long should exercises be practised at home ?

Self rehab exercises should be carried out 10 minutes a day as often as possible and reproduced as soon as one feels a perineal weakness arising again.

My package (in person or virtual):

  • Explanation of the pelvic floor functioning

  • Check the patient's urinary and defecation habits

  • Abdominal rehabilitation through breathing exercises


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