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Breastfeeding is one of the best way of creating a strong emotional bond between you and your little one, let me give you the long list of its long-term benefits :


Breast milk is specifically tailored to your newborn's needs throughout the day

  • It contains the ideal nutrition for your infants thus strengthening they immune system

  • It reduces anxiety and stress for your baby who feels safe in your arms !

  • It favors weight loss (burns extra calories)

  • It increases your bond with your newborn

  • It improves the baby's sensitive development, since the taste of breast milk varies according to your meals

  • It helps preventing food intolerance

  • It's easier to digest

  • It saves you time and money and is very practical when you leave for a trip !

My package (in person or virtual):

Two hours session

  • Instruction and education on lactation 

  • Tips on how to make breastfeeding comfortable

  • Help to detect tongue and lip ties

  • Go through baby's hunger signs and be sure he or she has enough milk


I would be very delighted to support you and offer you my pre- and postnatal services in providing you with the best knowledge for a successful breastfeeding.

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